C-CAMP has identified 31 near-deployment ready COVID-19 innovations across several critical categories under its C-CIDA platform
C-CAMP COVID-19 Innovations Deployment Accelerator or C-CIDA was launched in late March by C-CAMP to identify and fast-track immediately deployable or near-ready COVID-19 related innovations across India that can help combat the pandemic in the country.
The accelerator is a multi partner coalition of several industry and investor bodies across India and the globe. C-CAMP has partnered with Social Alpha, United Nations Health Innovation Exchange or UNIHIE, MedTechConnect, Xynteo India2022, Atal Incubation Centre-CCMB, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), India Health Fund, PATH, Action Covid-19 Team or ACT and 91 Springboard for this C-CIDA platform. It received 1100+ innovations across India of which in the first four weeks it has nominated 31 top technologies with huge potential for creating impact in India’s COVID-19 battle.
The 31 near deployment-ready COVID-19 innovations are in critical categories which includes rapid diagnostic kits, assisted respiratory devices, AI/ML based pre-screening and monitoring tools to detect COVID-19, preventive technologies including air and surface sanitizers, remote vital stats monitoring systems in healthcare spaces, telemedicine, end-to-end cold chain transport of viral specimens from remote locations, stem cell based therapeutics against COVID-19, Anti-COVID-19 drug screening platform, plasma & immunomodulatory therapies and finally control of COVID-19 in waste-water.
Selected after a rigorous vetting process, C-CIDA is now connecting these 31 startups with Industry as well as Government agencies for scaling-up their products and deployment. Interestingly, more than half of these innovations have got deployed in several states with a total 18+ being in various stages of deployment.
While all are potential game-changers and ready for quick on-ground implementation, some have ventured into uncharted territory with deep science ideas that are high-risk high-gain — risky but with immense potential for impact if successful.
Deep science in many ways has been C-CAMP’s mandate and C-CIDA provides the ideal platform to C-CAMP and all other partners to handhold such innovations and facilitate rapid deployment through funding, industry support for scale up, help with navigating regulatory pathways and connecting with investor networks. Here are the 31.
Read more about the C-CAMP COVID-19 Innovations Deployment Accelerator, C-CIDA, here in the media:
- https://www.forbesindia.com/article/coronavirus/ccamp-helps-commercialise-17-innovations-fighting-covid19-more-in-pipeline/59553/1
- https://yourstory.com/2020/05/covid-19-indian-innovators-startups-c-camp-aatmanirbhar
- https://www.hindustantimes.com/mumbai-news/innovations-in-covid-19-diagnosis-reach-pilot-test-stage/story-N1AbqWGfEGBocnWlwyiGNK.html
- https://bangaloremirror.indiatimes.com/bangalore/others/5-startups-set-to-join-fight-against-covid-19/articleshow/74975737.cms
- https://tech.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/technology/c-camp-picks-13-ideas-to-tackle-the-covid-19-epidemic/75112883
- https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/trend-tracking/from-screening-to-therapeutics-7-startups-offer-new-technologies/articleshow/75210493.cms
- https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/science/c-cida-shortlists-6-innovations-to-fight-covid-19/article31441841.ece
- https://inc42.com/features/the-crusaders-as-covid-19-surges-indian-startups-fight-back-with-genomics-ingenuity-tech/
- https://www.businesstoday.in/magazine/technology/tech-rescue/story/403609.html
- https://twitter.com/CNNnews18/status/1255744151255003136
- https://twitter.com/CNBCTV18News/status/1250038164632121344
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svZuBfDr0Gs&feature=youtu.be