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M S, Muguli G, Pai S, UV B.  2022.  Techno-commercial application of microencapsulated basil oil and thyme oil and their antibacterial activity against aquatic pathogens [Electron Microscopy Facility]. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies. 10(5)
Madhwal S, Shin M, Kapoor A, Goyal M, Joshi MK, Rehman PMujeeb Ur, Gor K, Shim J, Mukherjee T.  2020.  Metabolic control of cellular immune-competency by odors in Drosophila [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility (INT)]. Elife. 9
Mallik AKumar, N Achyuthan S, Ganesh SR, Pal SP, Vijayakumar SP, Shanker K.  2019.  Discovery of a deeply divergent new lineage of vine snake (Colubridae: Ahaetuliinae: Proahaetulla gen. nov.) from the southern Western Ghats of Peninsular India with a revised key for Ahaetuliinae [Next Gen Genomics Facility].. PLoS One. 14(7):e0218851.
Mandal P, Verma N, Chauhan S, Tomar RS.  2013.  Unexpected histone H3 tail-clipping activity of glutamate dehydrogenase. (Mass spectrometry - Proteomics). J Biol Chem. 288(26):18743-57.
Mangrauthia SK, Bhogireddy S, Agarwal S, Prasanth VV, Voleti SR, Neelamraju S, Subrahmanyam D.  2017.  Genome-wide changes in microRNA expression during short and prolonged heat stress and recovery in contrasting rice cultivars [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. J Exp Bot. 68(9):2399-2412.
Maniyadath B, Chattopadhyay T, Verma S, Kumari S, Kulkarni P, Banerjee K, Lazarus A, Kokane SS, Shetty T, Anamika K et al..  2019.  Loss of Hepatic Oscillatory Fed microRNAs Abrogates Refed Transition and Causes Liver Dysfunctions [Next Gen Genomics Facility].. Cell Rep. 26(8):2212-2226.e7.
Mary B, Maurya S, Kumar M, Bammidi S, Kumar V, Jayandharan GR.  2019.  Molecular Engineering of Adeno-Associated Virus Capsid Improves Its Therapeutic Gene Transfer in Murine Models of Hemophilia and Retinal Degeneration [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Mol Pharm.
Mary B, Maurya S, Arumugam S, Kumar V, Jayandharan GR.  2019.  Post-translational modifications in capsid proteins of recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) 1-rh10 serotypes [Mass Spectrometry Facility - Proteomics & Glycomics].. FEBS J.
Masurkar SArun, Deogharkar A, Bharambe HShrikrishn, Shirsat NVishwanath.  2021.  Downregulation of CRX, a Group 3-specific oncogenic transcription factor, inhibits TGF-β activin signaling in medulloblastoma cells [Genomics Facility]. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 568:76–82.
Mathen C, D'souza W.  2021.  Xeno-Free Human Wharton’s Jelly Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Maintain Their Characteristic Properties after Long-Term Cryopreservation [OCT Therapies & Research, a C-CAMP Startup] . Cell Journal (Yakhteh). 23(2)
Mehta SJayesh Kum, Kumar V, Mishra RKumar.  2020.  ELYS Regulates Dorsal Dynamics during Development [Transgenic Fly Facility]. J Biol Chem.
Melwani PKamal, Balla MMohan Saga, Bhamani A, Nandha SR, Checker R, Pandey BNarain.  2024.  Macrophage-conditioned medium enhances tunneling nanotube formation in breast cancer cells via PKC, Src, NF-κB, and p38 MAPK signaling [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. Cell Signal. :111274.
Menon ND, Kumar MS, Babu TGSatheesh, Bose S, Vijayakumar G, Baswe M, Chatterjee M, D'Silva JRowena, Shetty K, Haripriyan J et al..  2021.  A Novel N4-Like Bacteriophage Isolated from a Wastewater Source in South India with Activity against Several Multidrug-Resistant Clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates [Next Gen Genomics & National Electron Cryo-Microscopy Facilities]. mSphere. 6(1)
Mohan A., Gupta P., Nair A.P, Prabhakar A., Saiyed T..  2020.  A microfluidic flow analyzer with integrated lensed optical fibers [Discovery to Innovation Accelerator]. Biomicrofluidics. 14:054104.
Mukherjee AK, Dutta S, Mackessy SP.  2014.  A new C-type lectin (RVsnaclec) purified from venom of Daboia russelii russelii shows anticoagulant activity via inhibition of FXa and concentration-dependent differential response to platelets in a Ca²⁺-independent manner. (Mass spectrometry). Thromb Res. 134(5):1150-6.
Mukherjee AK, Kalita B, Mackessy SP.  2016.  A proteomic analysis of Pakistan Daboia russelii russelii venom and assessment of potency of Indian polyvalent and monovalent antivenom.[Mass Spectrometry]. J Proteomics. 144:73-86.
Mukherjee AK, Dutta S, Kalita B, Jha DK, Deb P, Mackessy SP.  2016.  Structural and functional characterization of complex formation between two Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitors from Russell's Viper venom.[Mass Spectrometry]. Biochimie. 128-129:138-47.
Mukherjee AK, Bhagowati P, Biswa BBahadur, Chanda A, Kalita B.  2017.  A comparative intracellular proteomic profiling of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain ASP-53 grown on pyrene or glucose as sole source of carbon and identification of some key enzymes of pyrene biodegradation pathway.. J Proteomics. 167:25-35.
Mukherjee AK, Kalita B, Thakur R.  2014.  Two acidic, anticoagulant PLA2 isoenzymes purified from the venom of monocled cobra Naja kaouthia exhibit different potency to inhibit thrombin and factor Xa via phospholipids independent, non-enzymatic mechanism. (Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics). PLoS One. 9(8):e101334.
