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Listed below are the Publications supported by Technology platforms at C-CAMP / Bangalore Life Science Cluster.

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Journal Article
Sn S, Pandurangi J, Murumalla R, Dj V, Garimella L, Acharya A, Rai S, Paul A, Yarreiphang H, Pillai MS et al..  2019.  Small molecule modulator of aggrephagy regulates neuroinflammation to curb pathogenesis of neurodegeneration [Discovery to Innovation Accelerator (INT)].. EBioMedicine.
Chaplot K, Pimpale L, Ramalingam B, Deivasigamani S, Kamat SS, Ratnaparkhi GS.  2019.  SOD1 activity threshold and TOR signalling modulate VAP(P58S) aggregation via reactive oxygen species-induced proteasomal degradation in a model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. [High Throughput Screening Facility]. Dis Model Mech. 12(2)
Bhattacharya N, Kolvekar N, Mondal S, Sarkar A, Chakrabarty D.  2022.  SPAD-1, a serine proteinase associated disintegrin from Russell's viper venom disrupts adhesion of MCF7 human breast cancer cells. [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics]. Toxicon. 221:106979.
Choudhuri I, Khanra K, Pariya P, Maity GNath, Mondal S, Pati BRanjan, Bhattacharyya N.  2020.  Structural Characterization of an Exopolysaccharide Isolated from Enterococcus faecalis, and Study on its Antioxidant Activity, and Cytotoxicity Against HeLa Cells [Mass Spectrometry - Glycomics]. Curr Microbiol.
Banerjee S, Coussens NP, Gallat F-X, Sathyanarayanan N, Srikanth J, Yagi KJ, Gray JSS, Tobe SS, Stay B, Chavas LMG et al..  2016.  Structure of a heterogeneous, glycosylated, lipid-bound, in vivo-grown protein crystal at atomic resolution from the viviparous cockroach Diploptera punctata. [Mass spectrometry - Glycomics]. IUCrJ. 3(Pt 4):282-93.
Banerjee S, Coussens NP, Gallat F-X, Sathyanarayanan N, Srikanth J, Yagi KJ, Gray JSS, Tobe SS, Stay B, Chavas LMG et al..  2016.  Structure of a heterogeneous, glycosylated, lipid-bound, in vivo-grown protein crystal at atomic resolution from the viviparous cockroach Diploptera punctata. [Mass spectrometry - Glycomics]. IUCrJ. 3(Pt 4):282-93.
Deshpande AB, Anamika K, Jha V, Chidley HG, Oak PS, Kadoo NY, Pujari KH, Giri AP, Gupta VS.  2017.  Transcriptional transitions in Alphonso mango (Mangifera indica L.) during fruit development and ripening explain its distinct aroma and shelf life characteristics [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. Sci Rep. 7(1):8711.
Sathyanarayana N, Pittala RKumar, Tripathi PKumar, Chopra R, Singh HRussiachan, Belamkar V, Bhardwaj PKumar, Doyle JJ, Egan AN.  2017.  Transcriptomic resources for the medicinal legume Mucuna pruriens: de novo transcriptome assembly, annotation, identification and validation of EST-SSR markers [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. BMC Genomics. 18(1):409.
Yadav N, Kumar U, Roopmani P, Krishnan UMaheswari, Sethuraman S, Chauhan MK, Chauhan VS.  2022.  Ultrashort Peptide-Based Hydrogel for the Healing of Critical Bone Defects in Rabbits [C-CAMP BIG Grantee/Startup]. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces.
Yadav N, Kumar U, Roopmani P, Krishnan UMaheswari, Sethuraman S, Chauhan MK, Chauhan VS.  2022.  Ultrashort Peptide-Based Hydrogel for the Healing of Critical Bone Defects in Rabbits [C-CAMP BIG Grantee/Startup]. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces.
Shukla PSheel, Nivetha N, Nori SSailaja, Bose D, Kumar S, Khandelwal S, Critchley A, Suryanarayan S.  2023.  Understanding the mode of action of AgroGain®, a biostimulant derived from the red seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii in the stimulation of cotyledon expansion and growth of Cucumis sativa (cucumber) [Sea6Energy Pvt. Ltd, a C-CAMP Start-up]. Front. Plant Sci.. 14
Mandal P, Verma N, Chauhan S, Tomar RS.  2013.  Unexpected histone H3 tail-clipping activity of glutamate dehydrogenase. (Mass spectrometry - Proteomics). J Biol Chem. 288(26):18743-57.
Vyas N, Walvekar A, Tate D, Lakshmanan V, Bansal D, Cicero ALo, Raposo G, Palakodeti D, Dhawan J.  2014.  Vertebrate Hedgehog is secreted on two types of extracellular vesicles with different signaling properties. (Mass spectrometry - Proteomics). Sci Rep. 4:7357.
