BIG call 16

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C-CAMP is inviting applications for the BIRAC Biotechnology Ignition Grant BIG call #16.

Through this scheme, a grant of up to 50 Lakhs is provided to young biotech start-ups and individual entrepreneurs for a duration of 18 months to help transform these innovative ideas and technologies into commercially viable products. The ideas could be very early stage or mature provided they are not being already funded by BIRAC under any other scheme.

Indian academics,  individual innovators based in India, young startups with wholly Indian ownership, with novel and innovative technologies with commercialization potential in life sciences and biotech domain are eligible. MBA graduates can apply too given that two-thirds of the team are students/researchers in Life Sciences.

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Deadline - Feb 15th, 5:30pm 


Wednesday, January 1, 2020 to Saturday, February 15, 2020