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Listed below are the Publications supported by Technology platforms at C-CAMP / Bangalore Life Science Cluster.

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Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Padhi S, Chourasia R, Kumari M, Singh SP, Rai AKumar.  2022.  Production and characterization of bioactive peptides from rice beans using Bacillus subtilis [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Bioresource Technology. :126932.
Ambaru B, Gangadharan GMuthu, Subramanya HS, Gupta CM.  2022.  Profilin is involved in G1 to S phase progression and mitotic spindle orientation during Leishmania donovani cell division cycle [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. PLoS One. 17(3):e0265692.
Nirati Y, Purushotham N, Alagesan S.  2022.  Quantitative insight into the metabolism of isoprene-producing Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 using steady state C-MFA. [Mass Spectrometry Facility]. Photosynth Res.
Surendran H, Kumar S, Narasimhaiah S, Ananthamurthy A, Varghese PS, D'Souza GA, Medigeshi G, Pal R.  2022.  SARS-CoV-2 infection of human-induced pluripotent stem cells-derived lung lineage cells evokes inflammatory and chemosensory responses by targeting mitochondrial pathways [Eyestem Research Pvt. Ltd., a C-CAMP Startup]. J Cell Physiol.
Bhattacharya N, Kolvekar N, Mondal S, Sarkar A, Chakrabarty D.  2022.  SPAD-1, a serine proteinase associated disintegrin from Russell's viper venom disrupts adhesion of MCF7 human breast cancer cells. [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics]. Toxicon. 221:106979.
M S, Muguli G, Pai S, UV B.  2022.  Techno-commercial application of microencapsulated basil oil and thyme oil and their antibacterial activity against aquatic pathogens [Electron Microscopy Facility]. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies. 10(5)
Sampath M, Muguli G, Pai S, Babu UV.  2022.  Techno-commercial application of microencapsulated basil oil and thyme oil and their antibacterial activity against aquatic pathogens [EM Facility]. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 2022. 10(5):101-106.
Pathak AK, Singh SP, Sharma R, Nath V, Tuli R.  2022.  Transcriptome analysis at mid-stage seed development in litchi with contrasting seed size [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. 3 Biotech . 12
Yadav N, Kumar U, Roopmani P, Krishnan UMaheswari, Sethuraman S, Chauhan MK, Chauhan VS.  2022.  Ultrashort Peptide-Based Hydrogel for the Healing of Critical Bone Defects in Rabbits [C-CAMP BIG Grantee/Startup]. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces.
Bhowmik P, Rajagopal S, Hmar RVictoria, Singh P, Saxena P, Amar P, Thomas T, Ravishankar R, Nagaraj S, Katagihallimath N et al..  2022.  Validated In Silico Model for Biofilm Formation in Escherichia coli [Bugworks Research Pvt. Ltd., a C-CAMP Startup]. ACS Synthetic Biology.
Latha MBiligowda, Shetty AKishan, Deveswaran R, Rai AJagannath, Joy S, Shashanka HMunegowda, Hussain SSha Muhamm, Shetty S.  2023.  Analysis of smart biomaterial containing umbilical cord blood serum protein conjugated with P-(NIPAAM) using spectroscopy [Bio-incubation Services]. Materials Today: Proceedings.
Anusha S, Negi PSingh.  2023.  Characterization and techno-functional properties of Tenebrio molitor larvae protein concentrate [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Food Bioscience. 54
Nair ARavindrana, Sasidharan S.  2023.  Characterizing nucleotide binding site domain (NBD) of ZzR1 resistance gene from Zingiber zerumbet: in silico ligand docking and optimizing heterologous expression [Bio-incubation Services]. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection .
Bana AArunkumar, Sajeev N, Halder S, Masi HAbbas, Patel S, Mehta P.  2023.  Comparative stability study and aggregate analysis of Bevacizumab marketed formulations using advanced analytical techniques [Biologics / Biopharmaceutical Characterization Facility]. Heliyon. 9:e19478.
Yadav N, Kumar U, Chauhan VSingh.  2023.  Conformationally restricted, dipeptide-based, self-assembled nanoparticles for efficient vancomycin delivery. [C-CAMP BIG Grantee/Startup]. Nanomedicine (Lond).
Datta S.  2023.  The conundrum of bacteria-specific antibiotics [Bugworks Research Pvt. Ltd., a C-CAMP Startup]. J Antimicrob Chemother. 78(6):1354-1358.
Hajirnis N, Pandey S, Mishra RK.  2023.  CRISPR/Cas9 and FLP-FRT mediated regulatory dissection of the BX-C of Drosophila melanogaster [Transgenic Fly Facility]. Chromosome Res. 31(1):7.
Nayak SRanjan, Joseph D, Höfner G, Dakua A, Athreya A, Wanner KT, Kanner BI, Penmatsa A.  2023.  Cryo-EM structure of GABA transporter 1 reveals substrate recognition and transport mechanism [National Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility]. Nat Struct Mol Biol.
Shanbhag AP, Rajagopal S, Ghatak A, Katagihallimath N, Subramanian R, Datta S.  2023.  A curated list of targeted optimized promiscuous ketoreductases (TOP-K). [Bugworks Research Pvt. Ltd., a C-CAMP Startup]. Biochem J. 480(13):975-997.
Shaw AG, Troman C, Akello JOdeke, O'Reilly KM, Gauld J, Grow S, Grassly N, Steele D, Blazes D, Kumar S.  2023.  Defining a research agenda for environmental wastewater surveillance of pathogens.. Nat Med.
Ghosh S, Kundu R, Chandana M, Das R, Anand A, Beura S, Bobde RChandrakan, Jain V, Prabhu SRamakant, Behera PKumari et al..  2023.  Distinct evolution of type I glutamine synthetase in Plasmodium and its species-specific requirement [Mass Spectrometry Facility - Metabolomics]. Nat Commun. 14(1):4216.
Dahal N, Romine MG, Khatiwara S, Ramakrishnan U, Lamichhaney S.  2023.  Gene flow drives genomic diversity in Asian Pikas distributed along the core and range‐edge habitats in the Himalayas [Next Gen Genomics Facility (INT)]. Ecol Evol.. 13(5)
Jose RC, Kanchal T, Louis B, Talukdar NC, Chowdhury D.  2023.  Grain Characteristics, Moisture, and Specific Peptides Produced by Ustilaginoidea virens Contribute to False Smut Disease in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Biomolecules. 13
Naik T, Sharda M, P LC, Virbhadra K, Pandit A.  2023.  High-quality single amplicon sequencing method for illumina MiSeq platform using pool of 'N' (0-10) spacer-linked target specific primers without PhiX spike-in [Next Gen Genomics Facility (INT)]. BMC Genomics. 24(1):141.
Bhowmik P, Bharatham N, Murakami S, Ramachandran V, Datta S.  2023.  Identification of key amino acid residues in OqxB mediated efflux of fluoroquinolones using site-directed mutagenesis [Bugworks Research Pvt. Ltd., a C-CAMP Startup]. Res Microbiol. :104039.
