Biologics characterization facility for biologics/ biosimilars using state-of-the-art instrumentation and standard operating protocols (SOPs). Biological entities, unlike small molecule based pharmaceuticals are very complex in nature.and structural modifications. In addition to this, changes in upstream and downstream processes during recombinant production of biologics also influence structural heterogeneity. Therefore, comprehensive characterization of biologics is necessary to ensure safety and efficacy. Click here to see the Instruments
In Life Science research High End biological equipment play an important role, along the path of upstream, downstream and analysis processes. C-CAMP, through incubation services, helps researchers to accesses, obtain training and utilize the state-of-art instruments under one roof in form of 'Bio-Incubation Core Equipment' resource. The purpose of this resource is to provide access to academic and Industrial researchers on high end equipment to for their research work. Click here to see the Instruments
The Imaging facility at C-CAMP provides researchers with access to High-End Platform Technologies in the Imaging space. Through C-CAMP, these technologies are also being made available to industry and commercial entities.
The Imaging facility at C-CAMP provides researchers with access to High-End Platform Technologies in the Imaging space. Through C-CAMP, these technologies are also being made available to industry and commercial entities.
The facility houses state-of-the-art imaging equipment to allow researchers to observe nano-scale architecture and phenomena in living systems. Click here to see the Instruments
The HTS and HCS facility has evolved to assist academic and industrial researchers In developing and performing high-throughput and high content screens. The facility assist’s in the adaptation of both biochemical and cell based assays into the HTS/HCI formats through miniaturization and automation.
The centre is equipped with state-of-the-art automated liquid handlers, multi-mode plate readers, automated imaging platforms, multiplexing system to quantify multiple analytes from single sample while housing a collection of RNAi libranes, small molecules and cell lines.
The facility supports biochemical and cellular assays through different readouts such as absorbance, fluorescence kinetics, fluorescence polarization, TR-FRET. Alpha Screen, Alpha Lisa, bioluminescence and chemiluminescence.
The automated imaging platforms within the centre facilitates high content live and fixed cell imaging at better throughput owing to robotics and on-the-fly analysis. Some of the in-built analysis parameters include cell cycle analysis, cell spreading, cell motility, spot detection, etc.
In addition, the facility also hosts a BSL-2 Tissue Culture laboratory for mammalian and insect cell culture. In near future, the facility will add more instruments on automation and screening. Facility is developing new screening platforms such as small organism based screens, ADME assays and 3D and Co culture systems.
The mass spectrometry (MS) resources on campus aim to provide researchers with State-Of-The-Art Techniques and equipment to characterize Biomolecules including proteins and peptides (proteomics), sugars including glycoproteins (glycomics), metabolites (metabolomics) and lipids (lipidomics). A number of state of the art instruments for the separation of biomolecules and their analysis by mass spectrometry based approaches are available. In addition to providing analytical services, the mass spectrometry facility provides training on the use of this technology as well as develops new analytical methods required to facilitate on campus research.Click here to see the Instruments
Genomics studies are in a relatively slow pace in India due to the non-availability of genomics experts, trained personnel and dedicated service providers. By using NGS technology, there is a lot of potential to study India's varied national diversity. The Bangalore Biocluster launched the NGGF to provide genomics services to scientists, train researchers and also to work on national and international genome projects. NGGF has helped scientists across the campus and India to sequence genomes from a range of organisms as well as facilitate transcriptome analysis. At our facility, we have sequenced more than 80 different organisms comprising of more than 500 genomes from prokaryotes (bacteria and metagenomes) and eukaryotes (fungi, plants and animals), which are important to the Indian subcontinent. The services have been utilized by more than 45 organizations (both academia and industry), several peer-reviewed papers have been published using the facility and many genomes/transcriptomes have been deposited in NCBI.Click here to see the Instruments
The NMR Facility is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art NMR technology as well as exceptional NMR experties. The Facility, administered by the Dr Ranabir Das. At present NMR Facility has both 800 and 600 MHz Bruker AscendTM spectrometer avalable, which provide exceptional performance in liquid state applications. Instrument capabilities can be found here. NMR time and serveses are scheduled via an online request form. A general description of sample requirements for NMR analysis can be found here. For more information on facility usage and services, please contact the Facility Manager.
Together with X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy is one of the two leading technologies for the structural determination of biomacromolecules at atomic resolution. In addition, NMR provides unique and important molecular motional and interaction profiles that contain pivotal information on the functions of biomacromolecules. The information is not only important for the understanding of life processes at the molecular level but also for drug
In addition, the facility also hosts a BSL-2 Tissue Culture laboratory for mammalian and insect cell culture. In near future, the facility will add more instruments on automation and screening. Facility is developing new screening platforms such as small organism based screens, ADME assays and 3D and Co culture systems.