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Listed below are the Publications supported by Technology platforms at C-CAMP / Bangalore Life Science Cluster.

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Sankaradoss A, Jagtap S, Nazir J, Moula SE, Modak A, Fialho J, Iyer M, Shastri JS, Dias M, Gadepalli R et al..  2022.  Immune profile and responses of a novel dengue DNA vaccine encoding an EDIII-NS1 consensus design based on Indo-African sequences [C-CAMP Bioincubation Facility]. Molecular Therapy - Cell Press.
Sampath M, Muguli G, Pai S, Babu UV.  2022.  Techno-commercial application of microencapsulated basil oil and thyme oil and their antibacterial activity against aquatic pathogens [EM Facility]. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 2022. 10(5):101-106.
Sahadevan S, Antonopoulos A, Haslam SM, Dell A, Ramaswamy S, Babu P.  2014.  Unique, polyfucosylated glycan-receptor interactions are essential for regeneration of Hydra magnipapillata.. ACS Chem Biol. 9(1):147-55.
Saha R, Verma PKumar, Rakshit S, Saha S, Mayor S, Pal SKumar.  2013.  Light driven ultrafast electron transfer in oxidative redding of Green Fluorescent Proteins. [Protein Technology Facility]. Sci Rep. 3:1580.
Sadananda A, Hamid R, Doodhi H, Ghosal D, Girotra M, Jana SChandra, Ray K.  2012.  Interaction with a kinesin-2 tail propels choline acetyltransferase flow towards synapse. [Drosophila facility]. Traffic. 13(7):979-91.
Sadaf S, Birman S, Hasan G.  2012.  Synaptic activity in serotonergic neurons is required for air-puff stimulated flight in Drosophila melanogaster.. PLoS One. 7(9):e46405.
Rishika V., Lakshmipathi M.T., B. Kumar S.  2022.  Analysis of water soluble fractions of crude oil by gas chromatography: Mass spectroscopy [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility]. The Pharma Innovation Journal. SP-11(4)
Rangiah K.  2014.  Sensitive UHPLC-MS/SRM method for quantifying olanzapine metabolites and degradation products from sera. Anal. Methods. 6:5250-5257.
Rangiah K, Palakodeti D.  2018.  Quantification of Neurotransmitters from Intact and Regenerating Planarians Using UHPLC-MS/SRM Method. [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility (INT)]. Methods Mol Biol. 1774:555-570.
Rangiah K, Palakodeti D.  2013.  Comprehensive analysis of neurotransmitters from regenerating planarian extract using an ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry/selected reaction monitoring method.. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 27(21):2439-52.
Ramesh D, Brockmann A.  2018.  Mass Spectrometric Quantification of Arousal Associated Neurochemical Changes in Single Honey Bee Brains and Brain Regions. [Mass Spectrometry Facility - Metabolomics (INT)]. ACS Chem Neurosci.
Ramakrishnan P, Nair S, Rangiah K.  2016.  A method for comparative metabolomics in urine using high resolution mass spectrometry.. J Chromatogr A. 1443:83-92.
Ramachandran G, Udgaonkar JB.  2012.  Evidence for the existence of a secondary pathway for fibril growth during the aggregation of tau.. J Mol Biol. 421(2-3):296-314.
Rajani P., C. R, Vasanthakumari M.M., Olsson SB, G. R, R. UShaanker.  2020.  Inhibition of plant pathogenic fungi by endophytic Trichoderma spp. through mycoparasitism and volatile organic compounds. Microbiological Research. :126595.
Rai A, Pathak D, Thakur S, Singh S, Dubey AKumar, Mallik R.  2016.  Dynein Clusters into Lipid Microdomains on Phagosomes to Drive Rapid Transport toward Lysosomes.. Cell. 164(4):722-34.
Purushothaman K, Bhat SKrishna, Singh SAnnapurna, Marathe GKedihithlu, Rao ARao GAppu.  2019.  Aspartic protease from Aspergillus niger: Molecular characterization and interaction with pepstatin A [Mass Spectrometry Facility - Proteomics].. Int J Biol Macromol.
Punia A, Kumari M, Chouhan M, Saini V, Joshi R, Kumar A, Kumar, iv R.  2024.  Proteomic and metabolomic insights into seed germination of Ferula assa-foetida [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. J Proteomics. 300:105176.
Premageetha GThambraRaj, Vinothkumar KR, Bose S.  2024.  Exploring advances in single particle CryoEM with apoferritin: From blobs to true atomic resolution [Electron Microscopy (Micro-CT) Facility (INT)]. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 169:106536.
Premageetha GThambraRaj, Vinothkumar KR, Bose S.  2024.  Exploring Advances in Single Particle CryoEM with Apoferritin: from Blobs to True Atomic Resolution [National Cryo-EM Facility, BLiSC (INT)]. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology.
Preethy CPaul, Padmapriya R, Periasamy VSubbarayan, Riyasdeen A, Srinag S, Krishnamurthy H, Alshatwi AAbdullah, Akbarsha MAbdulkader.  2012.  Antiproliferative property of n-hexane and chloroform extracts of Anisomeles malabarica (L). R. Br. in HPV16-positive human cervical cancer cells.. J Pharmacol Pharmacother. 3(1):26-34.
Prabhakara S, Khedkar S, Shambat SMairpady, Srinivasan R, Basu A, Norrby-Teglund A, Seshasayee ASai Narain, Arakere G.  2013.  Genome sequencing unveils a novel sea enterotoxin-carrying PVL phage in Staphylococcus aureus ST772 from India. [Next Generation Genomics facility]. PLoS One. 8(3):e60013.
Prabhakara S, Khedkar S, Loganathan RMalarini, Chandana S, Gowda M, Arakere G, Seshasayee ASai Narain.  2012.  Draft genome sequence of Staphylococcus aureus 118 (ST772), a major disease clone from India. [Next Generation Genomics facility]. J Bacteriol. 194(14):3727-8.
Potnuri AGodwin, Purushothaman S, Saheera S, Nair RR.  2021.  Mito-targeted antioxidant prevents cardiovascular remodelling in spontaneously hypertensive rat by modulation of energy metabolism [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology.
Phadke KS, Madival DG, Venkataraman J, Kundu D, Ramanujan K.S, Holla N, Arakeri J, Tomar G, Datta S, Ghatak A.  2021.  Novel non intrusive continuous use ZeBox technology to trap and kill airborne microbes [Biomoneta Research Pvt. Ltd., a C-CAMP Startup / Electron Microscopy Facility]. Scientific Reports. 11:Articlenumber:22779.
Perumalsamy LR, Marcel N, Kulkarni S, Radtke F, Sarin A.  2012.  Distinct spatial and molecular features of notch pathway assembly in regulatory T cells.. Sci Signal. 5(234):ra53.
