C-CAMP and Japanese VC firm Beyond Next Ventures have signed a LoI to launch the C-CAMP-BNV Innovation Hub (CBIH) to encourage and promote the best deep science innovations with global impact. CBIH promises investments of up to $5 Million in Indian startups working in focus areas of the life sciences and biotech domain. It will also leverage mutual technologies and expertise to create a vibrant innovation sphere that addresses issues across boundaries. By the LoI C-CAMP and BNV will facilitate mentoring programmes, easy exchange of human resources, thoughts and ideas and other ecosystem building activities through CBIH.
For more information on the news, please see our press release at http://bit.ly/2EMAA48
In Indian press - 1) https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/companies/c-camp-beyond-next-ventures-sign-loi-to-fund-5-million-to-foster-early-stage-innovations-in-india/article27444368.ece
2) https://www.deccanherald.com/jap-venture-capital-firm-to-invest-in-c-camp-startups.html
6) http://www.pharmabiz.com/NewsDetails.aspx?aid=116157&sid=2
Japanese media coverage - 1) https://jp.techcrunch.com/2019/06/03/beyond-next-and-c-camp-partnered/
2) https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO45511710R30C19A5FFR000/
3) https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000056.000017460.html