CCAMP-InDx Digital Platform

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C-CAMP InDx Digital Platform

C-CAMP InDx program has consistently worked towards identifying and bridging bottlenecks in diagnostics supply chain network, and the digital platform (also a marketplace) has been elemental to this process. It brings together the stakeholders and facilitates interaction between indigenous manufacturers, technology developers, suppliers, academic institutes, service providers and government agencies to address these issues. 

This platform was developed pro bono by Tata Consultancy Services. 
The Digital Platform is a key driver to:
  • Connect MSMEs in supply-chain of indigenous reagents, components, critical raw materials and diagnostic kits on a single platform
  • Identify needs and challenges in quality testing, clinical evaluation and scale-up for the products in R&D phase by connecting to CCAMP-InDx Centres of Excellence (CoEs)
  • Provide MSMEs with alternatives to source high quality indigenous ingredients and initiate the contact, negotiation and transactions
  • Provide visibility to manufacturing capacity for indigenous diagnostic kits along with detailed quality parameters
  • Create a diagnostics ecosystem of product and service providers, technology developers, sellers and buyers  
To show-case your product portfolio and avail all of the abovementioned benefits, register with us at