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Listed below are the Publications supported by Technology platforms at C-CAMP / Bangalore Life Science Cluster.

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Gowrishankar K, Ghosh S, Saha S, C R, Mayor S, Rao M.  2012.  Active remodeling of cortical actin regulates spatiotemporal organization of cell surface molecules.. Cell. 149(6):1353-67.
Yadav N, Chauhan VS.  2024.  Advancements in peptide-based antimicrobials: A possible option for emerging drug-resistant infections [C-CAMP BIG Grantee/Startup]. Adv Colloid Interface Sci. 333:103282.
Vora SM, Ankati S, Patole C, Podile ARao, Archana G.  2021.  Alterations of Primary Metabolites in Root Exudates of Intercropped Cajanus cajan–Zea mays Modulate the Adaptation and Proteome of Ensifer (Sinorhizobium) fredii NGR234 [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Microbial Ecology. :1–18.
Latha MBiligowda, Shetty AKishan, Deveswaran R, Rai AJagannath, Joy S, Shashanka HMunegowda, Hussain SSha Muhamm, Shetty S.  2023.  Analysis of smart biomaterial containing umbilical cord blood serum protein conjugated with P-(NIPAAM) using spectroscopy [Bio-incubation Services]. Materials Today: Proceedings.
Rishika V., Lakshmipathi M.T., B. Kumar S.  2022.  Analysis of water soluble fractions of crude oil by gas chromatography: Mass spectroscopy [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility]. The Pharma Innovation Journal. SP-11(4)
Singhal AV, Malwal D, Thiyagarajan S, Lahiri I.  2021.  Antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of GNP-Tannic Acid-Ag nanocomposite and their epoxy-based coatings [Log9 Materials, a C-CAMP startup]. Progress in Organic Coatings. 159:106421.
Preethy CPaul, Padmapriya R, Periasamy VSubbarayan, Riyasdeen A, Srinag S, Krishnamurthy H, Alshatwi AAbdullah, Akbarsha MAbdulkader.  2012.  Antiproliferative property of n-hexane and chloroform extracts of Anisomeles malabarica (L). R. Br. in HPV16-positive human cervical cancer cells.. J Pharmacol Pharmacother. 3(1):26-34.
Purushothaman K, Bhat SKrishna, Singh SAnnapurna, Marathe GKedihithlu, Rao ARao GAppu.  2019.  Aspartic protease from Aspergillus niger: Molecular characterization and interaction with pepstatin A [Mass Spectrometry Facility - Proteomics].. Int J Biol Macromol.
Bairy S, Gopalan LNarayanan, Setty TGangi, Srinivasachari S, Manjunath L, Kumar JPrakash, Guntupalli SR, Bose S, Nayak V, Ghosh S et al..  2018.  Automation aided optimization of cloning, expression and purification of enzymes of the bacterial sialic acid catabolic and sialylation pathways enzymes for structural studies. [Protein Technology (INT)].
Sharma S, Rao R, Reeve SM, Phelps GA, Bharatham N, Katagihallimath N, Ramachandran V, Raveendran S, Sarma M, Nath A.  2021.  Azaindole Based Potentiator of Antibiotics against Gram-Negative Bacteria [C-CAMP Startup Bugworks]. ACS Infectious Diseases.
Kaduskar B, Trivedi D, Ratnaparkhi GS.  2020.  Caspar SUMOylation regulates lifespan [Transgenic Fly Facility]. MicroPubl Biol. 2020
Kumar R, Saha S, Sinha B.  2019.  Cell spread area and traction forces determine myosin-II-based cortex thickness regulation. [Central Imaging and Flow Cytometry Facility]. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res.
Jose RC, Bengyella L, Handique PJ, Talukdar NC.  2018.  Cellular and proteomic events associated with localized formation of smut-gall during Zizania latifolia-Ustilago esculenta interaction. [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Microb Pathog.
Anusha S, Negi PSingh.  2023.  Characterization and techno-functional properties of Tenebrio molitor larvae protein concentrate [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Food Bioscience. 54
Abedin MMinhajul, Chourasia R, Phukon LChiring, Singh SP, Rai AKumar.  2022.  Characterization of ACE inhibitory and antioxidant peptides in yak and cow milk hard chhurpi cheese of the Sikkim Himalayan region [Mass Spectrometry Proteomics Facility]. Food Chemistry: X. 13:100231.
Nair ARavindrana, Sasidharan S.  2023.  Characterizing nucleotide binding site domain (NBD) of ZzR1 resistance gene from Zingiber zerumbet: in silico ligand docking and optimizing heterologous expression [Bio-incubation Services]. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection .
Srivastava AKumar, Pandey M, Ghate T, Kumar V, Upadhyay MKumar, Majumdar A, Sanjukta AKumar, Agrawal AKumar, Bose S, Srivastava S et al..  2021.  Chemical intervention for enhancing growth and reducing grain arsenic accumulation in rice [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility]. Environ Pollut. 276:116719.
Kumar V, A AKumar, Sanawar R, Jaleel A, Kumar TRSanthosh, Kartha CC.  2019.  Chronic Pressure Overload Results in Deficiency of Mitochondrial Membrane Transporter ABCB7 Which Contributes to Iron Overload, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Metabolic Shift and Worsens Cardiac Function [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility].. Sci Rep. 9(1):13170.
Siddiqui MAmir, Akhtar J, Uddin S, Chandrashekharan SMadappa, Ahmad M, Khan MIrfan, Khalid M.  2021.  Chrysin modulates protein kinase IKK$\varepsilon$/TBK1, insulin sensitivity and hepatic fatty infiltration in diet-induced obese mice [Mass Spectrometry - Lipidomics]. Drug Development Research.
Khandelwal R, Sipani R, Rajan SGovinda, Kumar R, Joshi R.  2017.  Combinatorial action of Grainyhead, Extradenticle and Notch in regulating Hox mediated apoptosis in Drosophila larval CNS.. PLoS Genet. 13(10):e1007043.
Tuikhar N, Keisam S, Labala RKumar, Ramakrishnan P, Arunkumar MCha, Ahmed G, Biagi E, Jeyaram K.  2019.  Comparative analysis of the gut microbiota in centenarians and young adults shows a common signature across genotypically non-related populations [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility].. Mech Ageing Dev. 179:23-35.
Mukherjee AK, Bhagowati P, Biswa BBahadur, Chanda A, Kalita B.  2017.  A comparative intracellular proteomic profiling of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain ASP-53 grown on pyrene or glucose as sole source of carbon and identification of some key enzymes of pyrene biodegradation pathway.. J Proteomics. 167:25-35.
