Sugar Rush with Science

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Sugar Rush with Science is a monthly affair, where the Bangalore Lifescience Cluster (BLiSC) community gets under the roof of the C-CAMP cafeteria on a Friday, to get the rush of latest scientific advancements from campus, with literal drops of sugar (or, call it artisanal ice-cream!) on the side. Created with the idea of engaging minds with the brilliant scientific research and innovations that happen on in the campus across disciplines of lifesciences, Sugar Rush with science features two 20- minute chalk-talks, one by a faculty from the BLiSC organizations and another by a founder of a deep-science startup supported by C-CAMP. Almost 200 campus members attend these talks which focuses on the current work being carried out by the speakers.

The BLiSC is a confluence of minds from NCBS, InStem and TIGS and, all positioned on the same campus, and home to country’s one of the best research and innovation hubs. From basic research in biosciences and ecology domains, stem cell based approaches in regenerative medicine to translational and innovational science, we feature speakers from all stages of biology. This informal get-together over desserts strives to increase campus dialogues and networking across domains and departments, provide opportunities to understand the diversity of science and innovation in the BLiSC campus and promote collaborations.

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Past Events

Title Date Speaker Name
AI Based Therapeutics for Treatment of Cancers, Autoimmune Disorders 16-06-2023 Dr. Aridni Shah, Co-Founder & CEO, Immunito AI (C-CAMP supported startup)
Mechanism and Function of Eukaryotic Membrane Traffic/Organization of Cells and their Functions 16-06-2023 Prof. Mukund Thattai, PI, NCBS
COVID Variant Diagnostics During Pandemic, TB & other Infectious Disease Diagnostics 10-02-2023 Dr Ravi V, Head of R&D, Tata Medical and Diagnostics (C-CAMP supported startup)
Host Cell-Pathogen Interaction wrt TB 10-02-2023 Dr. Varadharajan Sundaramurthy, PI, NCBS
Sustainable Biomass for Biofuel/ Agri-Environment 09-12-2022 Dr. Shrikumar Suryanarayanan, MD, Sea6 Energy (C-CAMP supported startup)
Sustainable Farming & Genome Engineering of Rice Crop 09-12-2022 Dr. Venkata Sresty Tavva, PI, TIGS
