Transcriptome analysis at mid-stage seed development in litchi with contrasting seed size [Next Gen Genomics Facility]

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TitleTranscriptome analysis at mid-stage seed development in litchi with contrasting seed size [Next Gen Genomics Facility]
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsPathak AK, Singh SP, Sharma R, Nath V, Tuli R
Journal3 Biotech
Date Published01/2022
KeywordsEmbryogenesis, Litchi, Seed size, Small seed, Transcriptome

Litchi is a sub-tropical fruit crop with genotypes that bear fruits with variable seed size. Small seed size is a desirable trait in litchi, as it improves consumers’ preference and facilitates fruit processing. Seed specific transcriptome analysis was performed in two litchi genotypes with contrasting seed size to identify the genes associated with seed development. The transcriptomic sequence data from seeds at mid-development stages (16–28 days after anthesis) were de-novo assembled into 1,39,608 Trinity transcripts. Out of these, 6325 transcripts expressed differentially between the two contrasting genotypes. Several putative genes for salicylic acid, jasmonic acid and brassinosteriod pathways were down-regulated in seeds of the small-seeded litchi. The putative regulators of seed maturation and seed storage were down-regulated in the small-seeded genotype. Embryogenesis, cell expansion, seed size and stress related Trinity transcripts exhibited differential expression. Further studies on gene characterization will reveal the early regulators of seed size in litchi.
