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Das S, Kumar P, Verma A, Maiti TK, Mathew SJ.  2019.  Myosin heavy chain mutations that cause Freeman-Sheldon syndrome lead to muscle structural and functional defects in Drosophila. [Transgenic Fly Facility]. Dev Biol. 449(2)
Gowda M, Sheetal A, Kole C.  2019.  The Neem Genome [Next Gen Genomics Facility].
Tikas G.D, Saiyed T., Katte A..  2019.  Overcoming Barriers in Commercializing Bio-Tech Innovations in India: A Case of Center for Cellular and Molecular Platforms. 2019 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET).
Patel P, Yadav K, Srivastava AKumar, Suprasanna P, Ganapathi TRamabhatta.  2019.  Overexpression of native Musa-miR397 enhances plant biomass without compromising abiotic stress tolerance in banana [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility].. Sci Rep. 9(1):16434.
Valmiki RRamanna, Venkatesalu S, Chacko AGeorge, Prabhu K, Thomas MMary, Mathew V, Yoganathan S, Muthusamy K, Chacko G, Vanjare HArvind et al..  2019.  Phosphoproteomic analysis reveals Akt isoform-specific regulation of cytoskeleton proteins in human temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics]. Neurochem Int. :104654.
Mary B, Maurya S, Arumugam S, Kumar V, Jayandharan GR.  2019.  Post-translational modifications in capsid proteins of recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) 1-rh10 serotypes [Mass Spectrometry Facility - Proteomics & Glycomics].. FEBS J.
Toshniwal AG, Gupta S, Mandal L, Mandal S.  2019.  ROS Inhibits Cell Growth by Regulating 4EBP and S6K, Independent of TOR, during Development [Transgenic Fly Facility].. Dev Cell. 49(3):473-489.e9.
Sarkar A, Mukundan N, Sowndarya S, Dubey VKumar, Babu R, Lakshmanan V, Rangiah K, Panicker MM, Palakodeti D, Subramanian SPeruvemba et al..  2019.  Serotonin is essential for eye regeneration in planaria Schmidtea mediterranea [Mass Spectrometry (Metabolomics) and Central Imaging & Flow Cytometry Facilities (INT)]. FEBS Lett.
Arora A, Patil V, Kundu P, Kondaiah P, Hegde AS, Arivazhagan A, Santosh V, Pal D, Somasundaram K.  2019.  Serum biomarkers identification by iTRAQ and verification by MRM: S100A8/S100A9 levels predict tumor-stroma involvement and prognosis in Glioblastoma [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility].. Sci Rep. 9(1):2749.
Bheri M, Bhosle SM, Makandar R.  2019.  Shotgun proteomics provides an insight into pathogenesis related proteins using anamorphic stage of the biotroph, Erysiphe pisi pathogen of garden pea [Mass Spectrometry Facility - Proteomics]. Microbiological Research.
Bheri M, Bhosle SM, Makandar R.  2019.  Shotgun proteomics provides an insight into pathogenesis-related proteins using anamorphic stage of the biotroph, Erysiphe pisi pathogen of garden pea [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Microbiol Res. 222:25-34.
Toda H, Williams JA, Gulledge M, Sehgal A.  2019.  A sleep-inducing gene, nemuri, links sleep and immune function in Drosophila [Transgenic Fly Facility]. Science. 363(6426):509-515.
Sn S, Pandurangi J, Murumalla R, Dj V, Garimella L, Acharya A, Rai S, Paul A, Yarreiphang H, Pillai MS et al..  2019.  Small molecule modulator of aggrephagy regulates neuroinflammation to curb pathogenesis of neurodegeneration [Discovery to Innovation Accelerator (INT)].. EBioMedicine.
Chaplot K, Pimpale L, Ramalingam B, Deivasigamani S, Kamat SS, Ratnaparkhi GS.  2019.  SOD1 activity threshold and TOR signalling modulate VAP(P58S) aggregation via reactive oxygen species-induced proteasomal degradation in a model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. [High Throughput Screening Facility]. Dis Model Mech. 12(2)
Thottacherry JJose, Sathe M, Prabhakara C, Mayor S.  2019.  Spoiled for Choice: Diverse Endocytic Pathways Function at the Cell Surface [BLiSC - NCBS, inStem, C-CAMP]. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol.
Ganesan S, Palani HKumar, Lakshmanan V, Balasundaram N, Alex AAbu, David S, Venkatraman A, Korula A, George B, Balasubramanian P et al..  2019.  Stromal cells downregulate miR-23a-5p to activate protective autophagy in acute myeloid leukemia [Next Gen Genomics Facility (INT)].. Cell Death Dis. 10(10):736.
Kumari J, Vinnakota R, Kumar J.  2019.  Structural and Functional Insights into GluK3-kainate Receptor Desensitization and Recovery [National Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility]. Sci Rep. 9(1):10254.
Gurung PDarshini, Upadhyay AKumar, Bhardwaj PKumar, Sowdhamini R, Ramakrishnan U.  2019.  Transcriptome analysis reveals plasticity in gene regulation due to environmental cues in Primula sikkimensis, a high altitude plant species [Next Gen Genomics Facility (INT)].. BMC Genomics. 20(1):989.
Pasha SNaseer, K Shafi M, Joshi AG, Meenakshi I, Harini K, Mahita J, Sajeevan RSivarajan, Karpe SD, Ghosh P, Nitish S et al..  2019.  The transcriptome enables the identification of candidate genes behind medicinal value of Drumstick tree (Moringa oleifera) [Next Gen Genomics Facility (INT)].. Genomics.
Somani D, Adhav R, Prashant R, Kadoo NY.  2019.  Transcriptomics analysis of propiconazole-treated Cochliobolus sativus reveals new putative azole targets in the plant pathogen [Next Gen Genomics Facility].. Funct Integr Genomics.
Bairy S, Gopalan LNarayanan, Setty TGangi, Srinivasachari S, Manjunath L, Kumar JPrakash, Guntupalli SR, Bose S, Nayak V, Ghosh S et al..  2018.  Automation aided optimization of cloning, expression and purification of enzymes of the bacterial sialic acid catabolic and sialylation pathways enzymes for structural studies. [Protein Technology (INT)].
Borah D, Nainamalai S, Gopalakrishnan S, Rout J, Alharbi NS, Alharbi SAli, Nooruddin T.  2018.  Biolubricant potential of exopolysaccharides from the cyanobacterium Cyanothece epiphytica. [Mass Spectrometry - Glycomics]. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 102(8):3635-3647.
Jose RC, Bengyella L, Handique PJ, Talukdar NC.  2018.  Cellular and proteomic events associated with localized formation of smut-gall during Zizania latifolia-Ustilago esculenta interaction. [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Microb Pathog.
Dias M, Pattabiraman C, Siddappa S, Gowda M, Shet A, Smith D, Muehlemann B, Tamma K, Solomon T, Jones T et al..  2018.  Complete assembly of a dengue virus type 3 genome from a recent genotype III clade by metagenomic sequencing of serum.[Next Gen Genomics Facility (INT)]. Wellcome Open Res. 3:44.
Kumar VPradeep, Kolte AP, Dhali A, Naik C, Sridhar M.  2018.  Enhanced delignification of lignocellulosic substrates by Pichia GS115 expressed recombinant laccase. [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics]. J Gen Appl Microbiol.
