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Patra A, Kalita B, Chanda A, Mukherjee AK.  2017.  Proteomics and antivenomics of Echis carinatus carinatus venom: Correlation with pharmacological properties and pathophysiology of envenomation.. Sci Rep. 7(1):17119.
Paul SSundar, Venkata HGiri Rao V, Raju MVLN, Rao SVRama, Nori SSailaja, Suryanarayan S, Kumar V, Perveen Z, Prasad CSrinivas.  2020.  Dietary supplementation of extracts of red sea weed (Kappaphycus alvarezii) improves growth, intestinal morphology, expression of intestinal genes and immune responses in broiler chickens [Sea6Energy Pvt. Ltd, a C-CAMP Startup]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
Perumalsamy LR, Marcel N, Kulkarni S, Radtke F, Sarin A.  2012.  Distinct spatial and molecular features of notch pathway assembly in regulatory T cells.. Sci Signal. 5(234):ra53.
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Potnuri AGodwin, Purushothaman S, Saheera S, Nair RR.  2021.  Mito-targeted antioxidant prevents cardiovascular remodelling in spontaneously hypertensive rat by modulation of energy metabolism [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology.
Prabhakara S, Khedkar S, Shambat SMairpady, Srinivasan R, Basu A, Norrby-Teglund A, Seshasayee ASai Narain, Arakere G.  2013.  Genome sequencing unveils a novel sea enterotoxin-carrying PVL phage in Staphylococcus aureus ST772 from India. [Next Generation Genomics facility]. PLoS One. 8(3):e60013.
Prabhakara S, Khedkar S, Loganathan RMalarini, Chandana S, Gowda M, Arakere G, Seshasayee ASai Narain.  2012.  Draft genome sequence of Staphylococcus aureus 118 (ST772), a major disease clone from India. [Next Generation Genomics facility]. J Bacteriol. 194(14):3727-8.
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Premageetha GThambraRaj, Vinothkumar KR, Bose S.  2024.  Exploring advances in single particle CryoEM with apoferritin: From blobs to true atomic resolution [Electron Microscopy (Micro-CT) Facility (INT)]. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 169:106536.
Premageetha GThambraRaj, Vinothkumar KR, Bose S.  2024.  Exploring Advances in Single Particle CryoEM with Apoferritin: from Blobs to True Atomic Resolution [National Cryo-EM Facility, BLiSC (INT)]. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology.
Punia A, Kumari M, Chouhan M, Saini V, Joshi R, Kumar A, Kumar, iv R.  2024.  Proteomic and metabolomic insights into seed germination of Ferula assa-foetida [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. J Proteomics. 300:105176.
Purushothaman K, Bhat SKrishna, Singh SAnnapurna, Marathe GKedihithlu, Rao ARao GAppu.  2019.  Aspartic protease from Aspergillus niger: Molecular characterization and interaction with pepstatin A [Mass Spectrometry Facility - Proteomics].. Int J Biol Macromol.
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Ramesh D, Brockmann A.  2018.  Mass Spectrometric Quantification of Arousal Associated Neurochemical Changes in Single Honey Bee Brains and Brain Regions. [Mass Spectrometry Facility - Metabolomics (INT)]. ACS Chem Neurosci.
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Rangiah K, Palakodeti D.  2018.  Quantification of Neurotransmitters from Intact and Regenerating Planarians Using UHPLC-MS/SRM Method. [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility (INT)]. Methods Mol Biol. 1774:555-570.
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Rishika V., Lakshmipathi M.T., B. Kumar S.  2022.  Analysis of water soluble fractions of crude oil by gas chromatography: Mass spectroscopy [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility]. The Pharma Innovation Journal. SP-11(4)
