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Listed below are the Publications supported by Technology platforms at C-CAMP / Bangalore Life Science Cluster.

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Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Bhatt HH, Pasricha R, Upasani VN.  2016.  Isolation and Characterization of a Halophilic Cyanobacterium Euhalothece SLVH01 from Sambhar Salt Lake, India. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2016) 5(2): 215-224 [Electron Microscopy Facility - TEM].
Thakur R, Kini S, Kurkalang S, Banerjee A, Chatterjee P, Chanda A, Chatterjee A, Panda D, Mukherjee AK.  2016.  Mechanism of apoptosis induction in human breast cancer MCF-7 cell by Ruviprase, a small peptide from Daboia russelii russelii venom.[Mass Spectrometry]. Chem Biol Interact. 258:297-304.
Ramakrishnan P, Nair S, Rangiah K.  2016.  A method for comparative metabolomics in urine using high resolution mass spectrometry.. J Chromatogr A. 1443:83-92.
Mukherjee AK, Kalita B, Mackessy SP.  2016.  A proteomic analysis of Pakistan Daboia russelii russelii venom and assessment of potency of Indian polyvalent and monovalent antivenom.[Mass Spectrometry]. J Proteomics. 144:73-86.
Bordoloi NK, Bhagowati P, Chaudhuri MK, Mukherjee AK.  2016.  Proteomics and Metabolomics Analyses to Elucidate the Desulfurization Pathway of Chelatococcus sp.[Mass Spectrometry]. PLoS One. 11(4):e0153547.
Mukherjee AK, Dutta S, Kalita B, Jha DK, Deb P, Mackessy SP.  2016.  Structural and functional characterization of complex formation between two Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitors from Russell's Viper venom.[Mass Spectrometry]. Biochimie. 128-129:138-47.
Banerjee S, Coussens NP, Gallat F-X, Sathyanarayanan N, Srikanth J, Yagi KJ, Gray JSS, Tobe SS, Stay B, Chavas LMG et al..  2016.  Structure of a heterogeneous, glycosylated, lipid-bound, in vivo-grown protein crystal at atomic resolution from the viviparous cockroach Diploptera punctata. [Mass spectrometry - Glycomics]. IUCrJ. 3(Pt 4):282-93.
Kalita B, Patra A, Mukherjee AK.  2016.  Unraveling the Proteome Composition and Immuno-profiling of Western India Russell's Viper Venom for In-Depth Understanding of Its Pharmacological Properties, Clinical Manifestations, and Effective Antivenom Treatment.[Mass Spectrometry]. J Proteome Res.
Khandelwal R, Sipani R, Rajan SGovinda, Kumar R, Joshi R.  2017.  Combinatorial action of Grainyhead, Extradenticle and Notch in regulating Hox mediated apoptosis in Drosophila larval CNS.. PLoS Genet. 13(10):e1007043.
Mukherjee AK, Bhagowati P, Biswa BBahadur, Chanda A, Kalita B.  2017.  A comparative intracellular proteomic profiling of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain ASP-53 grown on pyrene or glucose as sole source of carbon and identification of some key enzymes of pyrene biodegradation pathway.. J Proteomics. 167:25-35.
Nadiya F, Anjali N, Thomas J, Gangaprasad A, Sabu KK.  2017.  Data on identification of conserved and novel miRNAs in Elettaria cardamomum [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. Data Brief. 14:789-792.
Ghatak A, Bharatham N, Shanbhag AP, Datta S, Venkatraman J.  2017.  Delineating Substrate Diversity of Disparate Short-Chain Dehydrogenase Reductase from Debaryomyces hansenii [Bugworks Res. Pvt. Ltd., a C-CAMP Startup]. PLoS One. 12(1):e0170202.
Boya R, Yadavalli ADevi, Nikhat S, Kurukuti S, Palakodeti D, Pongubala JMR.  2017.  Developmentally regulated higher-order chromatin interactions orchestrate B cell fate commitment.. Nucleic Acids Res.
Narayanannair A, Nadiya F, Thomas J, Sabu K.  2017.  Discovery of MicroRNAs in Cardamom ( Elettaria cardamomum Maton) under Drought Stress. Dataset Papers in Science. 2017:1-4.
Velmurugan G, Ramprasath T, Swaminathan K, Mithieux G, Rajendhran J, Dhivakar M, Parthasarathy A, Babu DDVenkates, Thumburaj LJohn, Freddy AJ et al..  2017.  Gut microbial degradation of organophosphate insecticides-induces glucose intolerance via gluconeogenesis. [Next Generation Genomics facility]. Genome Biol. 18(1):8.
Ashwini S, Bobby Z, Sridhar MG, Cleetus CC.  2017.  Insulin Plant (Costus pictus) Extract Restores Thyroid Hormone Levels in Experimental Hypothyroidism [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility].. Pharmacognosy Res. 9(1):51-59.
Hebbar S, Khandelwal A, Jayashree R, Hindle SJ, Chiang YNing, Yew JY, Sweeney ST, Schwudke D.  2017.  Lipid metabolic perturbation is an early-onset phenotype in adultmutants: amodel for lysosomal storage disorders. [Mass Spectrometry - Lipidomics]. Mol Biol Cell. 28(26):3728-3740.
Bharatham N, Finch KE, Min J, Mayasundari A, Dyer MA, R Guy K, Bashford D.  2017.  Performance of a docking/molecular dynamics protocol for virtual screening of nutlin-class inhibitors of Mdmx.. J Mol Graph Model. 74:54-60.
Patra A, Kalita B, Chanda A, Mukherjee AK.  2017.  Proteomics and antivenomics of Echis carinatus carinatus venom: Correlation with pharmacological properties and pathophysiology of envenomation.. Sci Rep. 7(1):17119.
Vikram A, Lewarchik CM, Yoon J-Y, Naqvi A, Kumar S, Morgan GM, Jacobs JS, Li Q, Kim Y-R, Kassan M et al..  2017.  Sirtuin 1 regulates cardiac electrical activity by deacetylating the cardiac sodium channel.. Nat Med.
Kumar S, Kim Y-R, Vikram A, Naqvi A, Li Q, Kassan M, Kumar V*, Bachschmid MM, Jacobs JS, Kumar A et al..  2017.  Sirtuin1-regulated lysine acetylation of p66Shc governs diabetes-induced vascular oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.
Srikanth J, Agalyadevi R, Babu P.  2017.  Targeted, Site-specific quantitation of N- and O-glycopeptides using (18)O-labeling and product ion based mass spectrometry.. Glycoconj J. 34(1):95-105.
Nadiya F, Anjali N, Thomas J, Gangaprasad A, Sabu KK.  2017.  Transcriptome profiling of Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton (small cardamom).. Genom Data. 11:102-103.
