Non-resident Incubatees under C-NRI program

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C-CAMP Non-Resident National and International Incubation program C-NRI has been joined by several non-resident startups from Indian and International ecosystem.

The cohort is developing solutions in emerging healthcare areas such as Antimicrobial Resistance, Recombinant Antibodies and Biologicals, Tissue Regeneration etc.

See below for brief profiles of each startup, their innovations, teams and areas of focus.

Start-ups incubated under C-NRI Scheme

Indian Non-Resident Incubatees

Abgenics LifeSciences Pvt. Ltd.

Abgenics is spearheading the development of unique antibodies, biologicals, drugs and diagnostics for human diseases based on an intimate understanding of disease biology and patient needs. Their technology is a new class of antimicrobials and companion diagnostics against top six drug resistant microbial pathogens. Called AbTids they are biologicals consisting of a pathogen specific heavy chain antibody derived from camels combined with antimicrobial peptides that are effective in the nanomolar range that will be deployed for accurate diagnostics and therapy of drug resistant superbugs.



Invitreo specializes in materializing deep technology healthcare research through academia-industry collaboration.They identify the feasibility of the research in terms of its implications in healthcare and work towards materializing it into a commercially viable technology. They are currently working on longer-term animal trials & commercialisation of a Bioartificial Pancreas, developed by IIT Bombay for Type 1 Diabetes treatment. A Bioartificial Pancreas (BAP) contains pancreatic islets (allogeneic or xenogeneic) or differentiated islets encapsulated within a synthetic biocompatible semipermeable membrane and fully mimics the behaviour and function of a healthy pancreas Their product uses patented stem cell technology and short term trials have shown reversal of Diabetes for 30 days in mouse models


Hummsa Biotech

Hummsa Biotech is an innovation-driven company that is committed to solving healthcare problems through biotechnology. We create Novel and Revolutionary technologies to improve healthcare through better diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals & genetic engineering. Our strategy remains to stay focussed on innovation in science and combining it with market research to create scientifically advanced products for the common man. Bringing a fine balance between science and commerce. Our vision is to be a global leader in Biotechnology, bringing in cutting edge novel disruptive technologies in healthcare all the while keeping in mind affordability, accessibility & sustainability.

Labezy Medtech

LABEZY MEDTECH PVT LTD is a new age Start-up company with screening services supporting Patients, healthcare providers, Clinics and Hospitals. LAB EZY™ is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified company headquartered in Bangalore. Brest cancer is globally the most common cancer in women in India, from being 4th in the list of cancers, it is now the first. We have a huge burden of breast cancer in our country. Over the past few decades’ lot of progress has been made in this field. Women in rural India are missing the facilities and awareness at the ground level, with our Device we will be able to help them diagnose at early stage. LAB EZY™ is solving these problem with its device. Our mission is to reach out to the remote rural villages for "BREAST CANCER SCREENING" to help rural women for better health awareness and availability of breast cancer screening with an AI based report with cheaper cost* in quick time.

Naturalle Herbal Remedies

Naturalle Herbal Remedies Pvt Ltd is a bio technology startup, driven by 7 years of extensive research with its primary focus on development of validated alternative treatment against shrimp diseases. Visioned to be the Destination for Sustainable Aquaculture, the company has developed nano encapsulated polyphenols as natural therapeutics for treatment of bacterial and fungal infections. Products are replacing antibiotic use in aquaculture, ensuring food security. Test marketing was successful and the company is poised to generate revenue of INR 40 million through paying customers in FY2023. Founder team is lead by experienced scientist in shrimp toxicology and veteran aquaculture professional.

Regrow Biosciences

Regrow Biosciences is India’s First Cell Therapy company to develop & commercialize three cell-based products. Regrow’s platform Technology brings curative solutions to chronic & life debilitating conditions. Regrow is headquartered at Mumbai - India, having offices across US & Singapore. Regrow is on a mission to “Improve human healthcare by innovating and delivering regenerative medicine-based solutions”, envisioned to be the “World’s largest Tissue & Organ Development factory.


TechInvention Lifecare

TechInvention Lifecare Pvt. Ltd. is a certified "DeepTech Pioneer" healthcare startup pursuing one health with innovative biosolutions in vaccines, diagnostics, and biotherapeutics as our multipronged approach to tackle infectious diseases. TechInvention's mission is to bring health equity to all, with the focus being on developing platform technologies for LMICs that are acceptable, affordable, and accessible. We also contribute to this greater cause by playing a strategic advisory and consulting role to enable capacity building for vaccines and biotherapeutics manufacturing, especially in the developing world.


International Incubatees


Clemedi AG is a Swiss medical diagnostic company focusing on antibiotic resistance, established in 2019. Clemedi is a paradigm change.Using a combination of next-generation sequencing and AI for the first time, it produces comprehensive diagnoses at historical speed. This achieves 2 things: reduction in antibiotic misuse and dramatic slowing of antibiotic resistance, the next major human health challenge.



The Medicalcooling ventilator can cool the patient, is doubling a cardiac arrest patient's survival rate (NNT6). With Argon or Xenon, it is the only device with two neuroprotective features. The cooling is already established in the resuscitation guidelines since 2005, but there is no usable ambulance solution. For most other indications like stroke and (m)TBI human data is still missing to make decent claims. We integrated ECG with a defibrillator and the suction pump to reduce the number of devices the paramedics have to carry to a patient. To connect to the healthcare system, we use 5G and the FHIR protocol to offer telemedicine with billing and AI treatment assistance. We are a spin-off of the University Clinic of Hamburg-Eppendorf, where pre-clinical trials have confirmed the therapy is able to cool the human brain, and that in pigs, strokes are smaller with this therapy. The pending patent application is already transferred to the CEO in Person. Right now, a Series A investment of $3 million is needed to get the product to the market. The certification process and the start of serial production at a supplier will take 22 months post-investment.
