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Shanbhag AP, Rajagopal S, Ghatak A, Katagihallimath N, Subramanian R, Datta S.  2023.  A curated list of targeted optimized promiscuous ketoreductases (TOP-K). [Bugworks Research Pvt. Ltd., a C-CAMP Startup]. Biochem J. 480(13):975-997.
Shaw AG, Troman C, Akello JOdeke, O'Reilly KM, Gauld J, Grow S, Grassly N, Steele D, Blazes D, Kumar S.  2023.  Defining a research agenda for environmental wastewater surveillance of pathogens.. Nat Med.
Ghosh S, Kundu R, Chandana M, Das R, Anand A, Beura S, Bobde RChandrakan, Jain V, Prabhu SRamakant, Behera PKumari et al..  2023.  Distinct evolution of type I glutamine synthetase in Plasmodium and its species-specific requirement [Mass Spectrometry Facility - Metabolomics]. Nat Commun. 14(1):4216.
Dahal N, Romine MG, Khatiwara S, Ramakrishnan U, Lamichhaney S.  2023.  Gene flow drives genomic diversity in Asian Pikas distributed along the core and range‐edge habitats in the Himalayas [Next Gen Genomics Facility (INT)]. Ecol Evol.. 13(5)
Jose RC, Kanchal T, Louis B, Talukdar NC, Chowdhury D.  2023.  Grain Characteristics, Moisture, and Specific Peptides Produced by Ustilaginoidea virens Contribute to False Smut Disease in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Biomolecules. 13
Jose RC, Kanchal T, Louis B, Talukdar NC, Chowdhury D.  2023.  Grain Characteristics, Moisture, and Specific Peptides Produced by Contribute to False Smut Disease in Rice ( L.) [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Biomolecules. 13(4)
Naik T, Sharda M, P LC, Virbhadra K, Pandit A.  2023.  High-quality single amplicon sequencing method for illumina MiSeq platform using pool of 'N' (0-10) spacer-linked target specific primers without PhiX spike-in [Next Gen Genomics Facility (INT)]. BMC Genomics. 24(1):141.
Bhowmik P, Bharatham N, Murakami S, Ramachandran V, Datta S.  2023.  Identification of key amino acid residues in OqxB mediated efflux of fluoroquinolones using site-directed mutagenesis [Bugworks Research Pvt. Ltd., a C-CAMP Startup]. Res Microbiol. :104039.
Tanuku SNaga Radha, Pinnaka AKumar, Behera S, Singh A, Pydi S, Vasudeva G, Vaidya B, Sharma G, Ganta SKumar, Garbhapu NSagar.  2023.  Marinobacterium lacunae sp. nov. isolated from estuarine sediment [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. Arch Microbiol. 205(8):294.
NAVEEN R.S., TAPLEY BENJAMIN, CHANDRAMOULI S.R., JERVIS PHILLIPA, BABU S., MEETEI A.B., KARUNAKARAN P.V..  2023.  A new species of Bufoides Pillai and Yazdani 1973 (Amphibia: Bufonidae) from Mizoram (India) and the delimitation of the distribution range of Bufoides meghalayanus (Yazdani & Chanda 1971) to the Khasi hills, Meghalaya (India) [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity. Vol. 24 No. 9(No. 9)
Devi OSangita, Singh SSunil, Rana K, Singh SJibankumar, Singh WSobhachand.  2023.  Purification and characterization of an asialofetuin specific lectin from the rhizome of Xanthosoma violaceum Schott [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Protein Expr Purif. :106357.
Anand A, Chandana M, Ghosh S, Das R, Singh N, Vaishalli PMini, Gantasala NPrasad, Padmanaban G, Nagaraj VArun.  2023.  Significance of Plasmodium berghei Amino Acid Transporter 1 in Food Vacuole Functionality and Its Association with Cerebral Pathogenesis [Mass Spectrometry Facility - Metabolomics]. Microbiol Spectr. :e0494322.
Pasari N, Gupta M, Sinha T, Ogunmolu FEmmanuel, Yazdani SShams.  2023.  Systematic identification of CAZymes and transcription factors in the hypercellulolytic fungus Penicillium funiculosum NCIM1228 involved in lignocellulosic biomass degradation [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. Biotechnol Biofuels Bioprod. 16(1):150.
Shukla PSheel, Nivetha N, Nori SSailaja, Bose D, Kumar S, Khandelwal S, Critchley A, Suryanarayan S.  2023.  Understanding the mode of action of AgroGain®, a biostimulant derived from the red seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii in the stimulation of cotyledon expansion and growth of Cucumis sativa (cucumber) [Sea6Energy Pvt. Ltd, a C-CAMP Start-up]. Front. Plant Sci.. 14
Rishika V., Lakshmipathi M.T., B. Kumar S.  2022.  Analysis of water soluble fractions of crude oil by gas chromatography: Mass spectroscopy [Mass Spectrometry - Metabolomics Facility]. The Pharma Innovation Journal. SP-11(4)
Abedin MMinhajul, Chourasia R, Phukon LChiring, Singh SP, Rai AKumar.  2022.  Characterization of ACE inhibitory and antioxidant peptides in yak and cow milk hard chhurpi cheese of the Sikkim Himalayan region [Mass Spectrometry Proteomics Facility]. Food Chemistry: X. 13:100231.
Kapoor A, Padmavathi A, Madhwal S, Mukherjee T.  2022.  Dual control of dopamine in Drosophila myeloid-like progenitor cell proliferation and regulation of lymph gland growth. [Central Imaging & Flow Cytometry Facility]. EMBO Rep. :e52951.
Nataraj N, Hussain M, Ibrahim M, Hausmann AE, Rao S, Kaur S, Khazir J, Mir BAhmad, Olsson SB.  2022.  Effect of Altitude on Volatile Organic and Phenolic Compounds of Artemisia brevifolia Wall ex Dc. From the Western Himalayas [Mass Spectrometry Facility]. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 10
Nagaraj S, Chandrasingh S, Jose S, Sofia B, Sampath S, Krishna B, Menon I, Kundu D, Parekh S, Madival D et al..  2022.  Effectiveness of a novel, non-intrusive, continuous-use air decontamination technology to reduce microbial contamination in clinical settings: a multi-centric study [Biomoneta Research Pvt. Ltd., a C-CAMP Startup]. J Hosp Infect. 123:15-22.
Tyagi A., Khan A., Thatte P., Ramakrishnan U..  2022.  Genome-wide SNP markers from fecal samples reveal anthropogenic impacts on connectivity: case of a small carnivore in the central Indian landscape [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. Animal Conservation.
Lakshmi S, Nair G, Kumari S, Gnana S, Vincent P.  2022.  Identification and molecular characterization of drug targets of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics]. Journal of Applied and Natural Science. 14(4)
Sankaradoss A, Jagtap S, Nazir J, Moula SE, Modak A, Fialho J, Iyer M, Shastri JS, Dias M, Gadepalli R et al..  2022.  Immune profile and responses of a novel dengue DNA vaccine encoding an EDIII-NS1 consensus design based on Indo-African sequences [C-CAMP Bioincubation Facility]. Molecular Therapy - Cell Press.
Thimmaraju A, Govindan S.  2022.  Novel studies of characterization, antioxidant, anticoagulant and anticancer activity of purified polysaccharide from Hypsizygus ulmarius mushroom [Mass Spectrometry - Glycomics]. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre. 27:100308.
Padhi S, Chourasia R, Kumari M, Singh SP, Rai AKumar.  2022.  Production and characterization of bioactive peptides from rice beans using Bacillus subtilis [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Bioresource Technology. :126932.
Ambaru B, Gangadharan GMuthu, Subramanya HS, Gupta CM.  2022.  Profilin is involved in G1 to S phase progression and mitotic spindle orientation during Leishmania donovani cell division cycle [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. PLoS One. 17(3):e0265692.
