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Listed below are the Publications supported by Technology platforms at C-CAMP / Bangalore Life Science Cluster.

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Keshari RS, Jyoti A, Kumar S, Dubey M, Verma A, Srinag BS, Krishnamurthy H, Barthwal MK, Dikshit M.  2012.  Neutrophil extracellular traps contain mitochondrial as well as nuclear DNA and exhibit inflammatory potential.. Cytometry A. 81(3):238-47.
Kaur N, Kumar S, Bala M, Raghava GPal Singh, Mayilraj S.  2013.  Draft Genome Sequence of Amycolatopsis decaplanina Strain DSM 44594T. [Next Generation Genomics facility]. Genome Announc. 1(2):e0013813.
Kaur K, Khatri I, Akhtar A, Subramanian S, Ramya TNC.  2020.  Metagenomics analysis reveals features unique to Indian distal gut microbiota [Next Gen Genomics Facility]. PLoS One. 15(4):e0231197.
Kaur B, Kumar B.T.Naveen, Tyagi A, Holeyappa SAdmane, Singh NKumar.  2021.  Identification of novel vaccine candidates in the whole-cell Aeromonas hydrophila biofilm vaccine through reverse vaccinology approach [Mass Spectrometry - Proteomics Facility]. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 114:132-141.
Kapoor A, Padmavathi A, Madhwal S, Mukherjee T.  2022.  Dual control of dopamine in Drosophila myeloid-like progenitor cell proliferation and regulation of lymph gland growth. [Central Imaging & Flow Cytometry Facility]. EMBO Rep. :e52951.
Kalita B, Patra A, Jahan S, Mukherjee AK.  2018.  First report of the characterization of a snake venom apyrase (Ruviapyrase) from Indian Russell's viper (Daboia russelii) venom. [Mass Spectromety Facility - Proteomics]. Int J Biol Macromol. 111:639-648.
Kalita B, Patra A, Mukherjee AK.  2016.  Unraveling the Proteome Composition and Immuno-profiling of Western India Russell's Viper Venom for In-Depth Understanding of Its Pharmacological Properties, Clinical Manifestations, and Effective Antivenom Treatment.[Mass Spectrometry]. J Proteome Res.
Kaduskar B, Trivedi D, Ratnaparkhi GS.  2020.  Caspar SUMOylation regulates lifespan [Transgenic Fly Facility]. MicroPubl Biol. 2020
Gurung PDarshini, Upadhyay AKumar, Bhardwaj PKumar, Sowdhamini R, Ramakrishnan U.  2019.  Transcriptome analysis reveals plasticity in gene regulation due to environmental cues in Primula sikkimensis, a high altitude plant species [Next Gen Genomics Facility (INT)].. BMC Genomics. 20(1):989.
Guruharsha KG, Obar RA, Mintseris J, Aishwarya K, Krishnan RT, VijayRaghavan K, Artavanis-Tsakonas S.  2012.  Drosophila protein interaction map (DPiM): a paradigm for metazoan protein complex interactions. [Drosophila facility]. Fly (Austin). 6(4):246-53.
Guruharsha KG, Rual J-F, Zhai B, Mintseris J, Vaidya P, Vaidya N, Beekman C, Wong C, Rhee DY, Cenaj O et al..  2011.  A protein complex network of Drosophila melanogaster. [Drosophila facility]. Cell. 147(3):690-703.
Gupta P, Mohan A, Mishra A, Nair A, Chowdhury N, Balekai D, Rai K, Prabhakar A, Saiyed T.  2024.  Multiplexed fluorescence and scatter detection with single cell resolution using on-chip fiber optics for droplet microfluidic applications [Discovery to Innovation Accelerator, C-CAMP]. Microsyst Nanoeng. 10:35.
Gupta S, Marcel N, Talwar S, Garg M, R I, Perumalsamy LR, Sarin A, Shivashankar GV.  2012.  Developmental heterogeneity in DNA packaging patterns influences T-cell activation and transmigration.. PLoS One. 7(9):e43718.
Gunasekaran S, Govindan S, Ramani P.  2021.  Investigation of chemical and biological properties of an acidic polysaccharide fraction from Pleurotus eous (Berk.) Sacc. Food Bioscience.
Goyal R, Jerath G, Akhil R, Chandrasekharan A, Puppala ERao, Ponneganti S, Sarma A, Naidu VGM, Santhoshkumar TR, Ramakrishnan V.  2021.  Geometry encoded functional programming of tumor homing peptides for targeted drug delivery [Image Analysis Support]. J Control Release.
Gowrishankar K, Ghosh S, Saha S, C R, Mayor S, Rao M.  2012.  Active remodeling of cortical actin regulates spatiotemporal organization of cell surface molecules.. Cell. 149(6):1353-67.
Gowda M, Shirke MD, Mahesh HB, Chandarana P, Rajamani A, Chattoo BB.  2015.  Genome analysis of rice-blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae field isolates from southern India.. Genom Data. 5:284-91.
Gowda M, Sheetal A, Kole C.  2019.  The Neem Genome [Next Gen Genomics Facility].
