LEAP (Launching Entrepreneurs for Affordable Products) Fund

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C-CAMP has partnered with BIRAC to implement the Launching Entrepreneurs for Affordable Products (LEAP) Fund, with the aim of enabling promising and innovative startups in the biotechnology and lifesciences sectors to pilot/commercialize their products/technologies.  The scheme is positioned to act as a catalyst in bringing technologies/products forward piloting/commercialization and reducing their gestation period to commercialization.



  • The LEAP fund will provide funding support of up to 1 cr INR per startup based on Equity or Equity-linked instruments.


  • Indian Start-ups (registered under Companies Act, 2013), having at least 51% shareholders as Indian Citizens [does not include OCI or PIO] as the mandatory requirement.
  • A company shall be considered as start-up if 
  1. It is working towards innovation development, deployment or commercialization of new products, processes or services driven by technology or intellectual property
  2. Its turnover for any of the financial years has not exceeded Rs 100 cr, and
  3. It is up to 10 years from the date of its incorporation/registration

Selection Criteria

  • The start-up should be working towards innovative technology/technologies and should be product oriented (not services oriented)
  • The technology should be novel & there should be potential for generation of IP
  • The technology should fulfill an unmet need and have an impact
  • The start-ups should have a competent team in both technical & business aspects
  • The technology should have a sound commercialization strategy and road map to the market
  • The start-ups should have a clear understanding of the end-user/customer and market size
  • The start-up should have a sound business plan and company vision
  • The start-up must be willing to share equity

Apply at: https://www.ccamp.res.in/funding/content/application-form-seed-funding-schemes

Contact Us

For any further information please contact funding at ccamp dot res dot in

Phone: 91-80-67185055

Centre for Cellular And Molecular Platforms
NCBS-TIFR, GKVK, Bellary Road
Bangalore 560065, India

Start-ups funded under LEAP Scheme

Mocxa Health Pvt Ltd

MOCXA​​ Health, a Bengaluru Based startup is developing the world's first completely automated Video-EEG system for accurate diagnosis of seizures named 360EVS. Using advanced robotics, video and image processing, modern sensors and mobile technologies, the product 360EVS makes seizure diagnosis more accurate, automated, affordable and accessible in any environment. These technological advances also have application in other areas of neurology and medicine. Raja Aditya Kadambi, one of the co-founder, holds a Master's degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Florida – Gainesville with a background in video technologies and medical imaging. Ankita Kumari, the other co-founder, holds a MBA degree from University of Michigan – Stephen M. Ross School of Business in the field of Corporate Strategy & Finance with specialities in International Business, Strategy & Planning.

Website: https://www.mocxa.com/

Shilps Sciences Pvt. Ltd.

Shilps Sciences is a Bengaluru based start-up focused on harnessing the power of nanotechnology instruments to solve problems in healthcare. cancer labs. By operating at the intersection of biology, electronics, fluid mechanics and data, Shilps enable the rapid deployment of nano scale single cell workflows for therapeutics and beyond. Shilps Sciences application focus areas are discovery of antibodies, development of cell lines and gene editing. Shilps Sciences are developing Atomic Force Microscope and micro-fluidic technologies for isolating single cells for applications in Life Sciences. Shilps Sciences has developed a novel microfluidic technology to isolate and arrange cells. They are now combining this with an Atomic Force Microscope for cancer diagnostics. The company has created IP, built prototype demonstrators and is in an advanced stage of product development. They have ongoing collaborations with cancer labs.

Website: https://shilpsciences.com/

Crimson Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.

Crimson Healthcare is a New Delhi based startup founded by an alumnus of Stanford India Biodesign with an aim to innovate cutting edge solutions for various problems in the healthcare system with advanced engineering and technologies. Crismon is currently developing its product, SphinX which is a continent ostomy device that aims to empower ostomates by helping them regain control over evacuation and provides freedom from the problems inherent to existing standard of care. The port is inserted into the stoma and stays there for an extended duration and does not require any accessories, skin barrier creams etc. A discreet design conceals its form and shape, giving ostomates confidence and privacy.

Website: https://crimsonhealthcare.in/

Fibroheal Woundcare Pvt. Ltd.

Fibroheal Woundcare Pvt Ltd is a Bengaluru based startup working on various biomedical application of silk proteins for various healthcare needs as a promising cleaner alternative to the traditional dressing for wounds. It work on Bio Modified silk proteins to develop various innovative and patented medical devices / products for Advanced and Active wound care management to address non-healing, slow-healing and difficult to heal acute and chronic wound issues. Fibroheal is dermatologically safe, bio-compatible, non-toxic with a faster healing rate, highly absorbent, has a non-mammalian origin, enhanced epidermal growth functionality and reduces pain within 24 hours of application. Further, it protects the wound from secondary infection, gradual biodegradation of wound contact part, and easy removal of dressing during recovery, post healing phase and also leaves minimum scars. There are different products available such as Fibroheal Sheet, Fibroheal Powder and Fibroheal Ointment.

Website: http://www.fibroheal.com/

Althion Tech Innovations Pvt Ltd

Althion is a health-tech startup developing import-substituting medical/healthcare equipment & devices for India, and eventually the rest of the developing world. Althion has licensed a patented technology developed by CSIR Indian Institute of Chemical Technology. Building upon this, they are developing two products addressing unmet needs in the Type-1 ultrapure water industry and hemodialysis space respectively. For hemodialysis, Althion has developed a low maintenance IoT connected pure water unit that can be remotely monitored and thereby prevent unexpected breakdowns that affect patient care.

Website: http://www.althion.in/


Eyestem is a resident C-CAMP incubatee using stem cell and gene editing technologies to create breakthrough therapies for degenerative diseases of the eye. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) affects the RPE layer of the retina and ranks third among the global causes of visual impairment. Eyestem’s vision is to create scalable and affordable stem cell therapy for these degenerative eye diseases. They have successfully grown retinal pigment epithelium and photoreceptors – two layers of the retina which are key for vision.

Website: http://eyestem.com/

Cartosense Pvt. Ltd.

Cartosense is a Chennai based startup envisioning to make targeted surgery more precise and accessible to the developing world. Developed the world’s first mobile surgical navigation product – reducing a 200kg capital equipment product constrained to the OT, into a mobile unit that fits into a briefcase. Surgical navigation is technology that tracks the surgeon’s instruments while operating on a patient and provides real-time feedback about the current position and trajectory of an instrument with respect to the patient’s MRI/CT images. This makes it almost like a GPS system for the surgeon – only accurate to the millimetre level. Their technology aims to democratize surgical navigation by accelerating penetration in emerging markets and new application areas such as ENT, dental and cardiac surgery.

Website: https://www.cartosense.com/

Nesa MedTech

Nesa Medtech is a medical device start-up working towards excellence in the Research & Development of Medical devices. They are developing an accessible, minimally invasive procedure to treat symptomatic uterine fibroids safely and effectively. Uterine fibroids are very common non-cancerous growths that develop in the muscular wall of the uterus. Nesa proposes to develop a minimally-invasive device for in-office use to treat symptomatic uterine fibroids. This can be achieved by ablating fibroids using a radio frequency electrode inserted through the uterine cavity under local anesthesia with real-time guidance through a trans-vaginal ultrasound. They have secured follow-on funding from GOK through the Idea2POC scheme.

Website: http://nesamedtech.com/

Adis Technologies

Adis technologies works on use of AI ML on Animal Biometrics to unique identity to all animals with muzzle. At present there is no proper reliable database available in India. Cows on Cloud includes Cattle Management Tool Animal bio-metrics Big Data analytics & Using Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning for cow recognition by implementing image processing algorithm i.e. CNN. The team is developing digital records of animals like health records, pedigree records, ownership records, insurance records and many others for the whole life cycle from birth to tomb. Leveraging smartphones to generate Big data for animals, on cloud with animal biometrics and facial recognition features on Centralized Database. ADIS is a android app used as a tool for capturing real time data of the animals which have muzzle. Algorithms are developed wherever the database throws up relevant info of entire chain, from inputs AI/breeding, vaccination, feed & fodder, milk production & nutrition to output Cow based products & animal impact.

Website: https://www.adis.co.in/


Sensivision is a young start-up that focuses on finding innovative and affordable medical device solutions for Neonatal health challenges and is currently engaged in developing a device for treating Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, a complication of Asphyxia in Neonates. Sensivision’s solution, REVIVE, will be a comprehensive HIE management system with treatment, diagnosis and prognostication integrated on a single device. The product is currently in the final stages of prototyping.

Website: https://sensivisionhealth.com/

Yostra Labs

Yostra Labs is a healthcare technology firm pioneering smart innovations to make healthcare more effective, affordable and sustainable for the cost sensitive developing market. Their key focus area is Diabetic Care, with two products on the anvil. They are developing a market-viable Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy screening device called ‘Sparsh’ that makes screening of diabetic patients more accessible and affordable to patients of all socio-economic strata. Yostra is also working on a device for the treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcer – Kadam, which enables faster healing of chronic ulcers. They have secured follow-on funding from the Idea2POC scheme from GOK.

Website: http://www.yostra.com/

Aikenist Technologies Pvt Ltd

Aikenist Technologies is a Bengaluru based start-up that provides AI based solutions for faster scanning, better detection and quick turnaround time to make medical imaging accessible to larger population. The solution enhances patient convenience and improves return on investment for hospitals and diagnostic centres. They have developed a cloud-hosted AI solution called AIkenist QuickDiag COVID 19, which is compatible with all kinds of digital X-ray and CT scanning machines. The chest X-ray and CT-scan images are pushed to the cloud service where lung anomaly is diagnosed to screen COVID-19 patients. They also offer an AI-based product called Quickscan for MRI scans, for four-times faster diagnosis. Their other product, Quickdiag, provides AI-analysis for tumour detection and segmentation of brain, liver, pancreas, etc.


Janitri Pvt Ltd

Janitri Innovations offers medical-grade advanced pregnancy monitoring devices and software solutions to be used at hospitals and homes. Backed by clinical research & patented technology to ensure safety and accuracy. The advanced pregnancy monitoring devices use patented technology to help hospitals, and clinics to provide better care for expectant mothers and their babies. Furthermore, the home monitoring devices allow expectant mothers to monitor fetal well-being. By monitoring vital signs and other data remotely, it can help identify potential problems early, and provide the necessary support to ensure a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

Website: https://www.janitri.in/

Ultranutri Pvt Ltd

UltraNutri is an agri-biotech startup based out of CCAMP, a DBT promoted bio-incubator and works in collaboration with ICAR-CIBA. The company is currently working towards developing a "blueprint" for India's biggest "Insect Factory" and subsequently launching the "NexGen Functional" shrimp feed over the course 12-18 months. UltraNutri has developed a 3 step biotech process to utilise agri-residues such as sugarcane bagasse and coffee husk as feedstock/substrate for rearing Black Soldier Fly Larvae. This process brings the cost of BSF to price parity with fishmeal and also promotes expression of defence peptides. In collaboration with ICAR-CIBA, we have developed BSF based Shrimp feed having better growth and survivability. These lab results are currently being validated through field trials. The product is expected to increase shrimp farmer income through better growth and reduce economic loss due to disease occurrence.

Website: https://w3.ultranutri.in/

Navork Innovations

Navork is a spin-off from IIT Delhi currently incubated at SINE IIT Bombay, developing solutions derived from plants to extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables and reduce post-harvest losses. Navork takes a multifaceted approach to take care of all parameters causing deterioration of shelf life. A Unique solution derived from plants keeps the moisture in and keeps oxygen out with the help of hydrophobic material from plants peel. They use an extract from Soy that has reduced enzymatic activity and cinnamon extract that reduces the microbial load. The plant extract when dipped or sprayed on fruits and vegetables increases their shelf life by over 2.5x as it takes care of all aspects of post-harvest losses. Current Status: Navork has commercialized the technology for improving the quality and shelf life of mushrooms. Along with clearing the regulatory FSSAI license and safety certifications for the product, they have validated the product from ICAR and several mushroom farms in the country. Navrok’s product is established and is being used repeatedly by customers. Navork is helping to reduce the ‘cap opening’ of mushrooms by 90% as per farms and improved quality and shelf life is fetching them 10-15 rupees extra per kg of mushroom at farms. The product is currently commercialized in five states of India.

Website: https://navork.com/